I locked my keys in my car – who do I call?

Have you ever locked your keys in your car? It’s a scary feeling, especially if you’re stranded somewhere late at night. But don’t worry, help is on the way! Here are some tips for what to do when you’ve locked your keys in your car. Keep this information handy, just in case you need it someday!


1. Buy a Tesla.  You will never need to worry if you lock yourself out. (Jokes aside, smart cars make it easy)
2. One option is to call roadside assistance. They will be able to assist with towing or getting inside your car.
3. Another option is to use a coat hanger or piece of wire to unlock the door from the inside.
4. If you have a spare key, have someone bring it to you to unlock the door.
5. If all else fails, you can always break a window to get into your car.
6. Last but not least – call a locksmith.


Should I Call an Auto Locksmith Near Me If I Am Locked Out of My Car?

Keys, or key fobs, can get locked in your car at the worst time. Attempting to get into your vehicle without the proper tools and knowledge can cause damage to your car. With gas being so expensive these days, why risk that. The wiser way to get into your vehicle is by calling a professional. Car locksmiths are experts at getting into locked cars quickly so they won’t cause unnecessary damage. So do the smart thing and call one when you need it.